Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From gabifresh's blog...

I love this. Love, love, love it. This is for those of you that are like me - Big Girls who like to dress up and be cute and take care of ourselves and present ourselves well and get discouraged because we aren't sure why this bothers other people, aren't sure why others automatically expect us to feel bad about ourselves and not like the way we look, aren't sure why we are expected to continually strive to turn our bodies into something else, something that it isn't. I wish I always had this kind of courage. I have it sometimes, in spurts, but I want this all day long.
I <3 me. At the very least, I'm going to try harder to make this true, all day, every day. Join me, won't you?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Click this link to check out a very cool giveaway on The Dainty Squid's blog!

The giveaway is a super cute necklace from marymary handmade. Hope I or one of my friends can take it home!